Welcome to my online resume. My name is Anthony Pascale, and throughout the following few web pages, you will be treated to a small account of my personal work experience both tech and non-tech related.

Although I have only held a few "real" jobs to date, I have exceled at those that I have had. Knowledge may be analogous to experience, but judging the potency of that experience by the pay stub attached to it, is not always the best method. I have worked a number of self employed jobs related to computer repair and maintenance. I have performed simple tasks such as running Ad-Aware to remove unwated spyware, all the way to bigger jobs such as building a computer rig from the ground up. I have fixed both software and hardware related problems, and I am far from being a "script kiddy". I am skilled when it comes to manual virus removal and registry repair, and have a fairly indepth understanding of languages such as C++, Java, HTML, and English.

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